Next Generation Anti-Virus

Moving Beyond Traditional Anti-Virus Solutions to Provide Comprehensive Protection for Your Business

Next-Gen Security for Your Business

Unify Your Business Operations and Amplify Your Security Insights with Our Managed Services.

Small Business, Big Security

Transition to Advanced Threat Detection and Swift Response with EDR (Endpoint Detection and Response) and NGAV (Next-Gen Anti-Virus), Your Small Business Security Game Changers

Secure Your Tomorrow

Adopt EDR to proactively identify and neutralize cyber threats, ensuring a safer, flourishing business landscape ahead.

Protect Your Business

Utilize cutting-edge technology to thwart sophisticated threats before they infiltrate, ensuring a secure and stable operational environment for sustained growth.

Effortless Scalability

As your business grows, EDR scales with you, ensuring consistent protection, streamlined operations, and a controlled, predictable cybersecurity budget.

Operational Efficiency

EDR automates threat analysis and response, allowing you to focus on strategic initiatives that drive business growth and profitability without being bogged down by security concerns.

The unfortunate truth of cyber attacks is that…

They're only going to increase.

By the Numbers

Detection Rate

NGAV holds a 99% effectiveness rate in detecting unknown threats, far surpassing traditional AV’s effectiveness.

Continuous Monitoring

24/7 monitoring with EDR leads to a 60% reduction in the likelihood of a significant data breach.

Reduced Dwell Time

EDR reduces the attacker dwell time (time taken to neutralize threats) by 70% on average.


Worry Less.
Do More.

Employing Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) not only safeguards your business from a myriad of cyber threats but also instills confidence in your stakeholders, paving the way for enhanced client trust and business continuity. By mitigating the risk of data breaches and minimizing downtime, EDR significantly contributes to preserving your business’s reputation and bottom line.

Get Started with EagleOnyx

Our dedicated specialists are ready to craft tailored solutions that perfectly align with your organization’s IT needs.

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